WorkCover - let us handle the admin

As you know we strive to do as much as possible to free you up.

One such task is handling your WorkCover policy.

What we can we do .....

  • Apply on your behalf for a WorkCover policy
  • Add a workplace to an existing policy if you have more than one location
  • Login and provide and monitor estimates for your wages & super each year, including multiple locations
  • Login and provide actual wages and super at the end of each financial year, including multiple locations
  • Update on your behalf any contact names or details
  • Email to you each year a pdf of your Certificate of Currency

We look ahead

During March we go through all the companies we handle WorkCover for and make sure that the estimate for wages we provided at the start of the financial year is still accurate.

Where we discover a significant difference between what was estimated and what now looks likely, we login and revise the estimate up or down accordingly.

This benefits your company in two ways;
  1. it means the premium you pay is very accurate and not based on figures that are no longer relevant
  2. you avoid any potential penalties that can sometimes be applicable when the estimate is significantly lower than what eventuates
You can still be a contact for all WorkCover matters with full login access.

We will email you a pdf attachment anytime we lodge or revise figures. 
To learn more about how we can simplify your WorkCover contact Andrew Crawshay on 03 98825837 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.